Welcome to Talbert Middle School!


We are so happy that you chose us! Here are some frequently asked questions that will help you figure out your first few months at Talbert Middle School.




Registration Day, Monday, August 19, 2024. 


Registration for all 6th graders 11:15am-12:15pm

Orientation for 6th graders and new students 12:30pm-1:15pm



Fall Portraits and student ID pictures will be taken so look your best.  Parents will be able to purchase your PE clothes, yearbook, spirit wear, and PTA membership.


What happens on the first day of school?

Gates open at 8:15 and school starts promptly at 8:30. Please be on time! On the first day of school, go to your homeroom. You will get your schedule ahead of time, but schedule changes do happen--even on the first day of school. Have a school map tucked in your folder, just in case you are assigned different classrooms.  There will be ASB and PAL members to help you find your way if you need it!


Do we get lockers?


No, Talbert does not have lockers, other than those you will use during P.E.  Your P.E. teacher will explain how this works.  


What supplies do I need the first day of school?

You will need a backpack, pencils, and a spiral notebook, and your lunch if you are not purchasing. Teachers will give out additional supply lists. You can leave your P.E. clothes at home on the first day of school, until you receive more instructions from your P.E. teacher. Band instruments can also be left at home on the first day. If you bring your cell phone to school, make sure it’s turned off and put away somewhere safe in your backpack.


What about electives? How do they work?

Most students in the 6th grade will be put into general electives each trimester unless they choose Band (wind instruments), Orchestra (string instruments), If Drama is offered, this will be your elective for the whole year. Electives are grade based, so 6th graders are only with other 6th graders, etc. The 7th and 8th grade elective options are for the full year and include ASB(student council), PAL(peer assistance leadership), and Yearbook.


P.E.? How does it work?

Talbert has one of the top Physical Education (P.E.) departments in the district. You will have P.E. every day. You will need to wear a P.E. uniform, which you will purchase on Orientation Day. Make sure your last name is written in Sharpie and is easy to read on the back of your shirt. There are lockers for P.E., but they are temporary and only to be used while you are in class. 


How does the school communicate with families?

The principal sends out a weekly email bulletin on Tuesday evenings that includes all the information for that week. Event dates are sent out every month on a printed calendar. 


If I have a general school concern, who should I contact?

Contact the school counseling office via email or call the school and ask to speak with the counseling office.


Is the school safe? How do I make friends?

The 6th graders only take classes with other 6th graders, and teachers use the first few weeks of school to help kids get to know each other and build a core-class bond. During lunch, when all students are together, staff are monitoring the yard at all times. If there is a concern, students are encouraged to contact their counselor.  Meet new friends by getting involved with school clubs (Globe Club, Drawing Club, Choir Club, etc.), participate in “Noon Leagues” games at lunch by representing your homeroom classroom, or eventually joining PAL, ASB, Band, and other electives. 


How do school dances work?

Talbert typically has one dance each semester. Dances are held after school and are planned on Thursdays. They usually happen from 1:30 to 3.  Students can purchase a ticket in advance for $4(discounted) or $5 the door. Generally there are snacks for purchase, photo booths, and of course a DJ. Unless otherwise specified, kids just wear the clothes they wore to school or casual outfits coordinated to the theme.


Do you have one last piece of advice?

Stay connected and engaged with others students and the school. Ask questions and reach out when needed. Don't be shy. Laugh a lot. Smile often. And have have the time of your life.



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