We've gathered the teacher and staff's favorites items to help celebrate all that they do for our students. Teacher appreciation week is generally in May, but EVERYDAY is a GREAT day to celebrate our amazing staff!  CLICK ON EACH NAME FOR INDIVIDUAL LISTS

***if the name does not lead to an attachment, we do not have a list yet for that staff member!  THANKS! Please check back soon as we are updating the staff list and links.






 Kellie Abedzadeh

 Tony Bartovich

 Sam Chen

 Donna Combest

 Jane DeSota

 Mary Duggan (Smith)

 Robin Franks 

 Chelsea Frazee

 Loren Howard

 Brooke James

 Jannette Johnson

 Valeh Khavari

 Molly Levitt

  Christine Lo

 Cheryl Loukides

 Elena MacDonald

 Jeff Marbut

 Michal Margala

 Kayla Marley

  Noelle Martinez

 James Mayfield

 Chelsee McClung

 Colleen McNally

 Michael Miller

 Sage Moore

 Shay Murray  Gary Petrilla
 Ashly Robinson

 Leilen Shelton

 Dorian Shiver

 Joel Sotolongo

 Amy Trimm

 Jessica Trinidad

 Kelly Walters  Nicole Warman

 Linda Woo


Staff & Administration

Jay Adams (Principal) Caitlyn Gregory (AP)   David Clouthier (SDC Aide)
Laurie Ferri (Psychologist) Yvonne Golf (PM Student Offfice Assistant)  Jana Howard (RSP & Cheer Coach)
Cheyenne King (Counselor)    Becci Maney (SLPA)
Christine Olson(Administration) Carlos Rosales (Night Custodian)  Damon Smith (Head Custodian)
Agnes Pham (AM student office Assistant)  Jessica Reed (Nurse)  

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